The following Baby Gender Quiz is a way to (not guaranteed in any way) help you decree either you will be getting a pink or blue bundle of joy. There are so many old wives tales out there but here we have a good choice for you. Have some fun take our Baby Gender Quiz...
Q1) Whats your baby's heartbeat?
A1) If its lower than 140 boy and higher its a girl
Q2) Are you are actually glowing/blooming in your pregnancy?
A2) Yes - favors boy, No, favors girl
Q3) Did you suffer morning sickness?
A3) No - its a boy, Yes - its a girl
Q4) How are you carrying your baby?
A4) If carrying low and out front - favors boy, carrying high and all round - favors girl
Q5) What food are you craving?
A5) Protein (cheese and meat) and salty food - its a boy, sweet things such as juice or fruit - its a girl
Q6) Whats the health of your skin?
A6) Its dry - favors boy, Its plane - favors girl
Q7) How has your hair changed since you became pregnant?
A7) Thick and shiny - its a boy, thin and dull - its a girl
Q8) Which side do you lie on when sleeping?
A8) Left - favors boy, right - favors girl
Q9) What happens when you eat garlic?
A9) You actually stink of garlic afterward - favors boy, no garlic smell after - favors girl
Q10)What color is your urine?
A10) curious yellow - its a boy, dull yellow - its a girl
As previously stated the Baby Gender Quiz is just a bit of fun and is not a way to decree Baby Gender.
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