Monday, June 24, 2013

Training a Puppy to Sleep through the Night Doesn't Have to Be a Nightmare!

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Training a puppy to sleep through the night is one of the first forms of training you will want to originate with your new puppy. The fact is - a puppy is a baby, and like a newborn baby he will wake many times in the night for the first few weeks. You do not have to be completely hostage to your puppy's whims however, and it is inherent to slowly train him to sleep soundly through the night. The key is to take a few basic 'common sense' approaches to bedtime and your puppy in order to begin the good habits that will lead to a lifetime of sound sleep.

The first step in training a puppy to sleep through the night is to thought about control his evenings to ensure he is ready to sleep when the time comes. Puppies as a matter of fact sleep a lot, but if you allow him to sleep away the evening then he will awake refreshed and ready to play just as you are getting ready for bed.

Keep him awake with active play, time outdoors, and fun activities - wear him out so he will fall gratefully to sleep when the time comes for bed. Controlling his food and water intake is also important. In normal plan to restrict access to food and water up to 3 hours before bed. Take him out for a potty break just before retiring for the night.

The next key to training a puppy to sleep through the night lies in putting middle of the night potty breaks on a schedule. In normal potty breaks for puppies that are 7-9 weeks old need to be every 2 hours, at 9-14 weeks this stretches to 3 hours, and at 14 weeks and up, it becomes every 4 hours. Set your alarm and take the puppy out on this schedule, then as you have success with no waking and crying, stretch the program by 15 itsybitsy increments.

In this manner you will be incrementally training a puppy to sleep through the night. All the time wake yourself - if your puppy has to cry to wake you they will begin to feel they can wake you as they like with crying. It is also foremost that these night time potty trips are 'all business' - you do not want your puppy to learn that night time potty trips are party time.

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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Baby Sleeping Tips - Easy Remedies For Baby Sleep Problems

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Are there evenings when you feel that your baby's sleeping patterns will never be regulated? Can you dream a time when your baby will sleep long adequate for the two of you to feel refreshed and rested? Parents know that there is no way to avoid the occasional night in the nursery rocker, but how can we keep those nights with baby sleeping very limited or not at all to a bare minimum?

A coarse interrogate that new parents ask is, "How long will it be before we can get baby sleeping on a schedule?" or "When will we be able to sleep straight through the night without waking up a dozen times?" Does this sound like you on your last visit to the pediatrician? Some lucky parents brag that they have never been plagued with sleep problems at all but the answer to those coarse questions according to the experts is that the mean time when babies start sleeping straight through the night is a year or so.

When you are sleep deprived and can hardly keep your eyes open the last thing you want to hear is that you will have to wait a year or more for relief. Some desperate moms have even questioned why there are sleeping pills for grownups and no baby sleeping aids or remedies. I believe in the natural approach to parenting whenever possible, but I have to admit succumbing to panic due to exhaustion myself. However, I knew that I needed methods to help my baby sleep naturally. In my search I found a few things that worked and I am more than happy to share my methods with you.

The first lesson may be easiest and yet the most important: don't wait until a few minutes before bedtime to start fretting about how to get baby to sleep. I found that the best way to get an child to sleep at night starts with a routine that's put into institution as early as possible.

(1. Organize the nursery to be an ideal sleep environment. Create a space that can be darkened absolutely straight through the use of room darkening window treatments.

(2. Uncover the nursery in a quiet part of your home and have some recipe of creating white noise to block out road traffic and household chatter.

(3. Take time to read the telltale signs that your baby is sleepy. When baby gets fussy or when your see the eyelids droop, stop what you are doing and kick off the bedtime routine. Don't miss this opportunity or you may regret it. Babies can go from the drowsy stage to hyperactive, unhappy creatures with a second wind in article time. If there ever was an instance in parenting when timing is important, this could be it.

Every mother's process for relaxing her baby is unique, there is no exact set of rules for what should be involved. Anything your baby sleeping routine works out to be; stick to it. Try not to vary from it from day to day. The best way to an ideal baby sleep routine, relies on mom having a routine.
You will have a calmer and more obvious child if you are so predictable that baby always knows exactly what happens next.

(4. Stick closely to a schedule. Have a obvious time that you dress baby for the crib. A mum whose newborn had an erratic sleeping pattern shared with me that she stuck to a rigid routine for over a week and practically crumbled more than once. Then practically magically the baby began to answer and started to stick with an early bedtime.

(5. If baby seems unhappy or fussy, many mothers have had excellent results with baby slings. It makes sense that some babies need some time to adjust to the world. These sensitive souls miss the appeal of your body and feeling close to you at all times. Maybe the use of a sling will get you straight through this duration of adjustment and allow you to get a few chores done while you're at it.

(6. Someone else way to ease baby into our strange world is with white noise. There are white noise machines that closely mimic the sounds that are coarse in your womb, but if your budget is tight a table fan may do the trick.

(7. How many nights have we put our limited ones to sleep only to have them get wide awake, when they feel the turn in climatic characteristic from our arms to the cold crib sheet? A solution to this baby sleep qoute is to put a warm water bottle inside the baby's bed as part of your bedtime routine. When the time comes for you to put baby into her crib, take off the water bottle and slip baby into the warm and cozy crib.

The list of baby sleeping tips could go on and on. What works for one baby might not produce results with another. However, calm, loving persistence and repetition will be the basic construction blocks for developing your newborn's quarterly sleeping patterns that will relax her and let both of you start sleeping like a baby.

Disclaimer: This article is strictly for informational purposes only. It should not replace healing guidance from your pediatrician or chosen professional. You should always make choices on the guidance of your chosen pro in matters concerning your baby's condition and safety.

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Baby Gender Quiz

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The following Baby Gender Quiz is a way to (not guaranteed in any way) help you decree either you will be getting a pink or blue bundle of joy. There are so many old wives tales out there but here we have a good choice for you. Have some fun take our Baby Gender Quiz...

Q1) Whats your baby's heartbeat?
A1) If its lower than 140 boy and higher its a girl

Q2) Are you are actually glowing/blooming in your pregnancy?
A2) Yes - favors boy, No, favors girl

Q3) Did you suffer morning sickness?
A3) No - its a boy, Yes - its a girl

Q4) How are you carrying your baby?
A4) If carrying low and out front - favors boy, carrying high and all round - favors girl

Q5) What food are you craving?
A5) Protein (cheese and meat) and salty food - its a boy, sweet things such as juice or fruit - its a girl

Q6) Whats the health of your skin?
A6) Its dry - favors boy, Its plane - favors girl

Q7) How has your hair changed since you became pregnant?
A7) Thick and shiny - its a boy, thin and dull - its a girl

Q8) Which side do you lie on when sleeping?
A8) Left - favors boy, right - favors girl

Q9) What happens when you eat garlic?
A9) You actually stink of garlic afterward - favors boy, no garlic smell after - favors girl

Q10)What color is your urine?
A10) curious yellow - its a boy, dull yellow - its a girl

As previously stated the Baby Gender Quiz is just a bit of fun and is not a way to decree Baby Gender.

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Baby health ~ Natural Remedies - relieve Colic, Intestinal Cramps, Gas, Teething Pain, Promote Sleep

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What is the Baby Bowen Procedure? The Bowen Baby procedure consists of 7 gentle, light touch moves for stimulating equilibrium in your baby's autonomic nervous law (Ana). This polite stimulation will ease your baby's colic and enhance her/his total health and well-being.

Bowen therapy was industrialized by an Australian named Tom Bowen. The government-commissioned Webb description in 1975 reported Tom Bowen attending some thirteen thousand patients annually with an 80-90% success rate, usually in only one or two sessions.

Benefits: Colic; Asthma; wholesome functioning of all organs and systems, especially the nervous, respiratory, digestive and alimentary (elimination) systems; promotes bonding between parents and baby.

How Often: May perform Baby Bowen Moves as often as needed (at the first sign of your baby's discomfort) for the first six-weeks after birth, or weekly as a deterrent and for Well Baby Care.

Baby Bowen Procedure, Part I

The first 4 moves are made on your baby's back, between her/his shoulder blades.

Your baby lays face down, on her/his stomach, or if there are two of you one may hold the baby with her/his chest facing you while the other one performs the first 2 Baby Bowen Moves.

Baby Bowen Moves

1. All the time begin by doing your first Baby Bowen Move on the Left side. Place the pad of your Right thumb flat on top of the muscles lying along the Left side of your baby's spine. Your Right thumb is just above the lowest angle of your baby's Left shoulder blade.

You must first get into the literal, position for performing your Baby Bowen Move by slowly pulling the flat pad of your Right thumb toward you, moving the skin away from your baby's spine as far as it will go, like drawing the string of a bow.

At this end point you will slowly press down and in, hooking the lowest edge of your thumb slightly. Hold this "gateway" entry position for 3-seconds.

By holding for 3 seconds you are giving a tiny challenge to your baby's nervous system, letting it know you are there. You may (or may not) notice a exiguous softening of the tissue as the nerve endings repond and open to your tiny challenge. This feedback loop takes about 3-seconds.

Remember there is All the time a 3-second challenge before each Bowen Baby Move!

Now push your Right thumb Toward your baby's spine, move slowly with even, polite pressure over the muscles, the pad of your thumb flattens as you perform the move.

Your polite Bowen Baby Move are activating nerve endings and sending a signal along the nerve pathway, like a reset switch to your baby's nervous system, to enhance equilibrium and stimulate your baby's natural curative response.

Think of your Baby Bowen Move like turning on a light switch.

2. Now immediately perform the next Baby Bowen Move by reaching over your baby's spinal column and placing the Right pad of your index finger atop the muscles along your baby's spine.

Again you must first get into the literal, position for performing your Baby Bowen Move by slowly pushing with the pad of your Right index finger, to move the skin away from your baby's spine as far as it will go.

At this end point you will slowly press down and in with the pad of your Right index finger, hooking your finger tip slightly. Remember to hold this gateway entry position for a 3-second challenge.

Now with the pad of your Right index finger, pull your index finger Toward your baby's spine, move slowly with even, polite pressure over the muscles, the pad of your Right index finger will flatten as you perform the move.

3. You will immediately follow these first two moves with two more in the same exact sequence and locations except in the opposite direction, Away from your baby's spine.

Place the pad of your Right index finger, flat on top of the muscles along the left side of your baby's spine, and push the skin away towards your baby's spine, as far as it will go.

Gently press down and in with the pad of your Right index finger, hooking your finger tip slightly, press slowly on the muscles, activating the nerve endings for a 3-second challenge.

Now with the pad of your Right index finger, pull your index finger away from your baby's spine, move slowly with even, polite pressure over the muscles, the pad of your index finger will flatten as you perform the move.

4. Now immediately perform the next Baby Bowen Move by reaching over your baby's spinal column and placing the Right pad of your thumb atop the muscles along your baby's spine.

Again you must first get into the literal, position for performing your Baby Bowen Move by slowly pulling with the pad of your index finger, to move the skin toward your baby's spine as far as it will go.

At this end point you will slowly press down and in with the pad of your Right index finger, hooking the lowest edge of your thumb slightly. Remember to hold this gateway entry position for a 3-second challenge.

Now with the pad of your Right thumb, push Away from your baby's spine, move slowly with even, polite pressure over the muscles, the pad of your Right thumb will flatten as you perform the move.

Baby Bowen Procedure, Part Ii

Your last 3 Baby Bowen Moves are made with your baby lying flat on her/his back.

Baby Bowen Moves

Holding Point or energy Blocker - With the middle finger of your left hand apply polite pressure just below the tip of cartilage at the end of your baby's breast bone, called the xiphoid process. Utter this holding point with polite pressure while performing the following two Baby Bowen Moves.

The purpose of a holding Point or energy Blocker is to set your intention for focusing your Baby Bowen Move to a particular location and effectively concentrates the signal you are sending along a particular nerve pathway.

5. Place the pad of your Right thumb mid-way along the border of your baby's left rib cage, slowly move the skin up along the border of your baby's rib cage, to end point as as far as it can go.

Now slip the edge of your Right thumb pad slightly under the angle of your baby's rib and with very gentle, light touch pressure, move your Right thumb downward, along the angle of your baby's rib to the end point and flatten your thumb.

6. Repeat the move on the right side of your baby's rib cage this time using the pad of your Right middle finger. Find your position mid-way along the border of your baby's rib cage, move up along the border to the end point.

Now slip the edge of your Right middle finger slightly under angle of your baby's rib and with gentle, light touch pressure, move downward along the angle of the rib to the end point and flatten your finger.

7. Take your Left middle finger off your holding Point or energy Blocker and place your Left hand on top of your baby's chest to feel your baby's rhythmic pattern of breathing.

Place the pad of your Right middle finger about 1 inch below your baby's xiphoid process.

Feel the breath, in and out, get in sync and on an out breath perform the following move.

Baby Bowen Move: With the Right pad of your middle finger, slowly draw your baby's skin up toward the tip of her/his xiphoid process, then press slowly down and in, hooking your finger tip and pulling downward with gentle, light touch pressure then flatten your finger.

Baby Bowen Moves are most sufficient when performed as your baby is exhaled, breath out. Just do the best you can and with custom you will get into the feel of doing your Baby Bowen Moves to perform excellent results!

Bowen therapy is currently being researched in hopes to better understand why this gentle, noninvasive and holistic law of curative is so effective. The International Bowen Therapy Academy argument is being hosted in June 2006 by Yale University where a Masters Degree agenda is being offered.

Aromatherapy For Your Baby: German (True) Chamomile is a primary remedy for fussy babies. Known to help ease colic, intestinal cramps and gas, as well as to ease teething pain. Because of its benign nature True Chamomile may be used to soothe diaper rash. Use in a very weak dilution of pure jojoba oil of less than 1%.

Please Note: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results purchase the highest ability oils you can maybe find. Use certified organic considerable oils, or oils that have been tested and are pesticide free.

Aromatherapy is a polite and noninvasive complementary health care law used for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind, spirit and emotions to enhance your health. Properly administered considerable oils are a natural, safe and sufficient way to enhance your health and well-being and can furnish satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your doctor concerning serious health concerns and do not exertion to self diagnose.

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Free Baby Knitting Patterns

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For many years it has been original to knit clothes, blankets and accessories as a gift for a new baby. It is also very practical and economical to knit for your own baby and it is still a pleasant pass time enjoyed by many grandmothers. Baby clothes are no longer old fashioned and out dated as they were often thought to be. The arrival of some astonishing new knitting yarns have meant that you can now generate a range of lovely clothes and accessories for your tiny one in some great colours and styles. Yarn is no longer restricted to scratchy wool but now comes in some lovely soft cottons which are polite on the skin and very fashionable. Also available are some great free baby knitting patterns.

Knitting patterns used to be restricted to the ones that you could buy in the wool stores and the occasional fee give away ones in magazines. Now, with the arrival of the World Wide Web, there are lots of websites which have a good selection of free baby knitting patterns. These include patterns for clothing, blankets and a whole selection of accessories and even toys.

Some of the websites will ask you register in order to gain entrance to the free baby knitting patterns, but many of them need no filling in of forms or having to give an email address. These ones honestly are just websites with something for nothing! Some of the sites are particularly sharp as they include forums where you are able to chat to other enthusiasts. Here you are able to replacement patterns and knitting tips and also you are able to source knitting yarns which you are finding it hard to buy.

The arrival of good ability cotton yarn has meant that a whole new range of free baby knitting patterns are now available. You are able to knit baby sleep suits for new born babies which are soft and polite on the skin. These are honestly motor washable and the contemporary yarn keeps its shape well. Being able to make your own sleep suits and rompers for the baby means that you can generate private designs which will be different from the usual store bought items. All these patterns are available on websites.

Included on some of the websites you will find free baby knitting patterns for toys. There is a range of dolls that can be knitted which make astonishing toys for babies as they are wholly soft and include nothing which can injure them at all. They vary from well known characters to scarecrows and cowboys etc. And are always popular. Also available in the range of knitted toys are some lovely snowmen and Santa Claus dolls. These make astonishing presents for the tiny ones at holiday time.

With the selection of baby knitting patterns which can now be found on both the internet and in magazines, you will never be stuck for new ideas for whether presents for your friends' new arrivals, for your own baby or for your new grandchild. Enjoy knitting and make the most of the patterns available.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Challenges of Having a New Baby

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Though it may be one of the most extraordinary experiences in a person's life, bringing a new baby into the house is a challenge, and somethings that new parents will voice with in some, maybe unexpected ways.

Babies do not sleep like grown ups. This is just one of the many changes that new parents must adapt to in their new life of child rearing. Babies only sleep for, like, two hours at a time.

You will finally adjust your lifestyle to the changes that come to you. But at first, the lack of sleep will lead to problems like stress and crankiness throughout the days.

Parents will recognize a whole new realm of public life that is dissimilar from the way that it was before you have a baby. Even a trip to the parents house is amazingly more difficult and you will have to deal. Just straight.

It may be harder to keep up with friends, especially the ones who do not have the children of their very own. But you can do it. You can do it if you make the effort. The endeavor is to keep in touch.

There are some absolutely cool things that happen too, though. You start to absolutely feel like a responsible grown-up in so many ways. And then not so much in others. You will begin to feel a real turn in the way you respond to the world. Like, you will feel a protective instinct kick in whenever somebody else handles your child.

You will feel the changes as they happen to you. The biggest is that you will now feel that the world has consequences for more than just yourself; it affects your child too.

You should expect all or some of these things to happen to you - and expecting them will make it a wee easier to cope. The best thing to do, though, is to cultivate a maintain network with your friends and family.

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Friday, June 14, 2013

Baby Poems For Saying What's on Your Heart

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Baby poems and baby shower poems can express any sentiment. Either sweet, funny, or loving, poems are an ideal way to say what's on your heart. And if you need some help with what to say, online you can find all things you're seeing for having to do with poems and baby shower poems.

Anyone can write a baby poem, and everybody enjoys reading them, young and old. Poems are astonishing to contain on baby shower invitations or birth announcements. Baby shower poems can have rhythm and rhyme, but they as a matter of fact don't have to.

Poems can be Either long or short, but short is probably best for your typical baby shower needs. Poems can be sentimental, sappy or sweet. Poems can be primary and creative or thorough and more traditional. Don't hesitate to add a dinky humor as well!

Either way, all baby shower poems are thorough for welcoming the newborn and honoring the birth mom or mom to be.

The people who are most often touched by poems are those who have had children themselves. Sweet poems can remind them of the time when their dinky ones were still young.

No one will appreciate them more than the house members themselves. If you are a creative writer or have a special talent for putting words together in a special way, then you should try writing your own baby shower poems. This would make a great gift idea as well.

If you as a matter of fact like the poem you've written, it can be framed and displayed as a astonishing memento or keepsake. Years later when the baby has grown, think of how special they will feel knowing the words that were written were just for them.

Sample Poems

Baby Shower:

Special people all colse to
Love and happiness abound
Babies, presents, cake, flower
Thank you for the baby shower

Thanks for all the work you've done
To welcome our new precious son

Baby Poem:
Teeny, tiny dinky toes
Small and round dinky nose
A precious gift from heaven above
My sweet baby that I love

We've longed to see you face to face
And we've prepared a special place
Just for you, our baby

If you are not the creative type - don't worry! There are lots of places that you can look online for poems to say just the thing you want to say.

Poems have been written on all subjects throughout the ages, and baby poems and baby shower poems are no exception. A quick crusade online doesn't have to take any time at all.

But if you settle to write your own baby poems, even common things can inspire you. Inspiration can be found anywhere. Look to your own memories from the past. What was special about your childhood?

What special object have you treasured over the years? What words of wisdom or advice could you pass on to the next generation? Look colse to the house and imagine a baby being there. What do you see, hear, or feel?

Let those thoughts be the source of your best baby poems. You do not have to write like Shakespeare, you just have to be sincere.

There are also poems for saying thank you to the guests for coming to the shower, and thanking them for the gifts they may have given.

Common baby poem themes are often safety, peace, love and happiness. When a baby is born, it is a time to reflect on the meaning of life and what is as a matter of fact important in life. Either you are religious or not, baby poems can be written as uncomplicated prayers or encouragement.

Who hasn't heard the preponderant lines - "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep"? Baby poems have been the source of many needlepoint crafts and have been given as cherished baby gifts and will continue to be for years to come. Why not add baby shower poems or baby poems to your next newborn celebration?

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